Star Trek: Customizable Card Game - First Edition Wiki

The Borg differ from the other affiliations in a number of important ways – for example, the Borg never mix or cooperate with other affiliations, and do not attempt missions. In other ways, they are similar to the other affiliations; Borg personnel report for duty, fly ships to mission locations, overcome dilemmas while scouting locations, and engage in battle. All Borg-related rules are now incorporated into the official Glossary, in the entry on Borg and related entries, and are presented in this Borg-only rulebook for easy reference.

This rulebook does not replace the official Rulebook and Glossary; it is designed to teach you the basic procedures for playing with the Borg affiliation, focusing on the ways in which they differ from the other affiliations . It assumes that you are already familiar with the basic procedures for playing with a non-Borg affiliation, including deck construction, the seed phases, playing cards, executing orders etc .

Detailed instructions for most aspects of the game which are the same for all affiliations are not included here, but may be found in the official Rulebook and Glossary. The official Glossary should also be consulted
for rulings on individual non-Borg cards.

How to Use This Rulebook[]

  • The Borg Affiliation gives an overview of the affiliation and describes specific ways in which the Borg differ from the other affiliations. More details are given in the How to Play section.
  • Customizing a Deck gives a few special rules and considerations for constructing a Borg deck.
  • How to Play follows the format of the full Rulebook, leading you through the seed phases and the play phase, concentrating on specifics of Borg gameplay suc h as seeding Borg Outposts and Transwarp Network Gateways, reporting Borg cards for duty, Borg scouting and Borg battle.



All of your Borg affiliation cards in play make up your Borg collective. All of your Borg affiliation cards at one spaceline location (or time location), whether in space, on a planet, aboard a ship or facility etc., make up a Borg hive. Some cards may affect your entire collective; others may affect all your Borg in one hive. In a Borg vs. Borg game, each player has a collective, and both may have hives at the same location.


Most Borg Personnel cards represent drones. A drone’s lore lists its “Identification” (which identifies it as a particular type of drone), a description of its “Task” and its “Biological Distinctiveness” (species of origin; however, the species of Borg drones is irrelevant to the Borg). The Borg Queen and assimilated counterparts such as Locutus of Borg are not drones .

Borg personnel have no classifications, though several of the personnel types appear as skills. Needed skills, including personnel types, which do not appear on Borg Personnel cards may be obtained
by assimilation of opposing personnel or by using the Borg Queen’s selectable skill. Regular skills (including the Borg Queen’s selected skill) may be shared throughout a Borg hive using the Interlink Drone’s
skill. Your Borg may also share CUNNING using the Unity Drone’s skill. (Detailed examples of the use of these skills will be found under the entries for those drones in the Glossary.)

Borg special skills provide many func tions supplied by Equipment cards for other affiliations (e.g., STRENGTH enhancement for personnel, RANGE and SHIELDS enhancement for ships). They may also use equipment cards, subject to certain limitations.

Each Borg drone has an icon identifying whic h subcommand it is assigned to within the Borg collective. Subcommand icons are used primarily to staff Borg ships, but also have other uses indicated by cards.

Icon sc comm

 – Communication drones facilitate a hive’s ability to share skills and CUNNING, adapt to hazards, etc.

Icon sc nav

– Navigation drones enhance warp capabilities, maintain and expand the Collective’s transwarp network, deal with navigational hazards, etc.

Icon sc def

– Defense drones initiate battle and enhance offensive and defensive capabilities.

The Borg Queen and counterparts each have all three subcommand icons; however, they may each meet only one ship staffing requirement at a time. (See Seven of Nine)

Gender is irrelevant to the Borg. Borg drones list no gender; and while the Borg Queen and counterparts have gender, Borg personnel are not affec ted by gender-related game text on non-Borg cards (e.g., L ove Interests, Matriarchal Society, Alien Groupie).


B org S H IE L D S  do not bloc k trans porter beam s  (exc ept during s hip
battle). T hus  your opponent m ay freely beam  to and from  your B org
s hip. Y ou m ay us e your B org s hip trans porters  to beam  through your
opponent’s  S H IE L D S  if you have a T rans port D rone (T w o of E leven)
aboard your s hip. S ee E xec uting O rders  – M oving P ers onnel and
E quipm ent.
A ll B org s hips  have a bonus  point box.  T hes e bonus  points  are earned
by your non-B org opponent w henever he des troys  your B org s hip in
battle (and only in battle).
B org-affiliation s hips  are not affec ted by P las m a F ire, W arp C ore
B reac h, Is abella, Into T he B reac h, H ugh or the s ec ond func tion of A nti-
M atter S pread. (T hey are affec ted norm ally by the firs t func tion of A nti-
M atter S pread, like any other s hip.)
A ll B org affiliation c ards  (exc ept as s im ilated c ounterparts ) have a ∆
ic on and are native to the D elta Q uadrant. T hus , they follow  norm al
quadrant rules  for s eeding fac ilities  and reporting c ards . B ec aus e no
m is s ions  exis t yet for the D elta Q uadrant, c ertain interim  rules  apply to
us ing the B org O utpos t. S ee the F ac ility s eed phas e and O ther C ard
P lays  in the H ow  to P lays ec tion.
B org don’t m ix or c ooperate w ith c ards  of other affiliations .  P layers
us ing [B org] affiliation c ards  m ay not s toc k anynon-B org pers onnel,
s hips  or fac ilities  in their gam e dec k or any s ide dec ks . If a player has
B org and non-B org c ards  pres ent together (T he N aked T ruth, F ram e of
M ind, etc .), norm al hous e arres t rules  apply.

U nlike other affiliations , B org never attem pt m is s ions . Ins tead, a B org
player us es  O bjec tive c ards  to ac c om plis h goals  s uc h as  des troying a
s hip, es tablis hing a gatew ay at a s pac e loc ation or as s im ilating a planet.
S om e B org objec tives  s c ore points ; others  c onfer different benefits , s uc h
as  des troying an enem y s hip, as s im ilating it into the c ollec tive, or
dis rupting the tim eline (s ee tim eline disruption). (C ard elem ents
w hic h repres ent the loc ation, rather than the m is s ion, s till apply; thes e
inc lude s pan num bers , planet and s pac e ic ons  and italic ized gam e text
s uc h as  Q uas h C ons pirac y’s  “N o s hip-to-s hip beam ing at this  loc ation.”)
M os t B org objec tives  have hidden agendaic ons  and are s eeded or
played fac e dow n, to be ac tivated later. T he E s tablis h G atew ay
objec tive’s  text allow s  it to s eed or play; m os t other B org objec tives  m ay
only play during the play phas e.
W hen you are playing B org and you have an unc om pleted [B O ] (B org
U s e O nly) O bjec tive c ard fac e up in play, this  is  defined as  your c urrent
objec tive. Y ou are lim ited to one [B O ] c urrent objec tive at a tim e. Y ou
m ay have any num ber of non-[B O ] objec tives  in play at a tim e. (Y ou
m ay als o have other [B O ] c ards  s uc h as  inc idents  in play.) S ee O ther
C ard P lays  – O bjec tive C ards  in the H ow  to P lays ec tion for m ore
inform ation on playing an objec tive.
W hen you play (or ac tivate) a B org O bjec tive c ard, you m us t
im m ediately target an appropriate loc ation, s hip or pers onnel as
s pec ified by the objec tive. O bjec tives  m ay target s olved or uns olved
m is s ion loc ations . T he objec tive then allow s  your B org to s c out the s hip
or loc ation, initiate battle, abduc t a target etc . (Y our opponent m ay
later attem pt and s olve the m is s ion at a s pac e loc ation w here you have
c om pleted an objec tive, but not at an as s im ilated planet.) S ee E xec uting
O rders  – S c outing L oc ations  and S c outing S hips  in the H ow  to P lay
s ec tion for details .
Y our B org m us t c om plete s c outing (if an objec tive involves  s c outing)
and m eet any other lis ted requirem ents  (s uc h as  having B org pres ent at
the loc ation) before you m ay probe(us ually at the end of your turn) to
determ ine your c urrent objec tive’s  outc om e (and s c ore its  points , if
any). S ee D raw  a C ard – E nd-of-T urn A c tions  in the H ow  to P lays ec tion
and probingin the B org G los s aryfor details .
A  B org player s c ores  points , both pos itive and negative, only from
[B O ] c ards  and c ards  w hic h s pec ify that they affec t B org. W hen you or
your B org are c onfronted w ith any other c ard w hic h is  point-related,
you s till play out the c ard but ignore the points . (If that c ard pres ents  a
c hoic e, you m us t c hoos e an option w hic h is  not point-related, if
pos s ible.) P oints  you s c ore from  c om pleting [B O ] objec tivesare non-
bonus  points . A nyother points  you s c ore are bonus  points  (for exam ple,
points  from  the [B O ] A dd D is tinc tivenes s  inc ident or the negative points
from  B alanc ing A c t).
Y our B org m ay not form  A w ay T eam s  (either on a planet or on an
opponent’s  s hip or fac ility) exc ept w hen c ounter-attac king or w hen
allow ed by your c urrent objec tive or another c ard. S ee E xec uting O rders
– M oving P ers onnel in the H ow  to P lays ec tion for m ore inform ation.
Y our B org m ay not initiate battle exc ept w hen c ounter-attac king or
w hen allow ed by your c urrent objec tive (e.g., A s s im ilate C ounterpart,
E lim inate S tars hip) or another c ard (e.g., C onundrum , T he Is s ue Is
P atriotis m ). S ubjec t to thes e res tric tions , they m ay attac k any
affiliation, inc luding B org.
E ac h of your s hips , fac ilities  or A w ay T eam s  that w is hes  to initiate an
attac k m us t have a [D ef] pers onnel pres ent, exc ept w hen c ounter-
attac king.
Y our B org m ay abduc t and/or as s im ilate oppos ing pers onnel during
pers onal c om bat us ing appropriate c ards . S ee abduc tion,
assim ilation.
C ards  s uc h as  R ogue B org M erc enaries , C ros is , O utpos t R aid and the
B org S hip dilem m a are c ons idered “rogue” and are not part of your
c ollec tive. T hus , they affec t your B org c ards  norm ally.
Y ou m ay as s im ilate planets  or your opponent’s  pers onnel and s hips  by
us ing O bjec tive and other c ards  that allow  as s im ilation. C ards  that allow
you to as s im ilate pers onnel inc lude the T alon D rone, A s s im ilation
T ubules , A s s im ilate C ounterpart and B org S ervo. (S ee E xec uting
O rders  – E ngaging in B attle.)
B org do not as s im ilate (or target for as s im ilation) A N IM A L s  or
holographic  re-c reations . S uc h pers onnel are exc luded from  any
s elec tions  for abduc tion or as s im ilation.  A llother pers onnel m ay be
as s im ilated norm ally, inc luding androids  and c hangelings .
A s s im ilate P lanet and A s s im ilate H om ew orld allow  you to as s im ilate
planets  (along w ith any fac ilities  that m ay be loc ated there). A s s im ilate
S tars hip allow s  you to as s im ilate s hips . (S ee E xec uting O rders  –
S c outing L oc ations  and S c outing S hips .)
W hen pers onnel, s hips  or planets  are as s im ilated, they c om e under
your c ontrol and undergo s pec ific  trans form ations . S ee assim ilation.
Y ou m ay as s im ilate only c ards  w hic h you do not already c ontrol, and
only if a c ard (or rule) allow s  it. (Y our B org m ay not as s im ilate
pers onnel you have c aptured unles s  a c ard or rule allow s  you to do s o.)
T he B org do not c om m andeer.
T he B org follow  all norm al dec k-building rules  w ith one additional
res tric tion. W hen you are us ing [B org] affiliation c ards , you m ay not
inc lude anynon-B org pers onnel, s hips , or fac ilities  in your s eed c ards ,
draw  dec k or any s ide dec ks . A ll other c ards  (s ites , equipm ent, artifac ts ,
events , interrupts  etc .) are legal to inc lude in your B org dec k, but s om e
m ay not be us eful. F or exam ple, m any E quipm ent c ards  s uc h as  hand
w eapons  and P A D D s  are res tric ted to us e by s pec ific  affiliations  (various
drones  provide s im ilar c apabilities  to the B org). A ls o, m os t c ards  w hic h
provide bonus  points  are us eles s  to the B org.
A  c ard bearing the “B org U s e O nly” [B O ] ic on in its  title bar c an be
s toc ked in your dec k and us ed onlyw hen playing the B org affiliation.
Y our gam e dec k is  lim ited to 30 s eed c ards  (not c ounting M is s ion and
S ite c ards , w hic h s eed “for free”).
E ven though the B org never attem pt m is s ions , your s eed c ards  m us t
inc lude exac tly s ix m is s ions . E ac h of your s ix m is s ions  m us t be different,
exc ept for thos e that are univers al (their c ard title begins  w ith the
univers al ❖s ym bol). B e s ure to c hoos e m is s ions  w hic h you m ay target
w ith objec tives  s uc h as  E s tablis h G atew ay or A s s im ilate P lanet. Y ou m ay
not inc lude extra m is s ions  in your s eed c ards  (although you s hould have
s om e univers al m is s ions  available  “outs ide the gam e” to replac e
duplic ated unique m is s ions ).
Y our s eed c ards  m ay als o inc lude up to s ix s ites . A lthough there are
no [B org] affiliation N ors , you m ay w is h to s eed s ites  on your
opponent’s  N or. Y ou m ay not inc lude extra s ites  in your s eed c ards ,
either in your 30 c ounted s eed c ards  or in your “s eeds  for free” c ards .
Y our draw  dec k m ay be of any s ize, as  long as  it c ontains  at leas t 30
c ards . Y ou m ay put any c ard in your draw  dec k (exc ept T ac tic  c ards , Q -
ic on c ards , and non-B org pers onnel, s hips , or fac ilities ), although you
s hould avoid c ards  that m us t be s eededrather than played– s uc h as
dilem m as  – bec aus e norm ally there is  no w ay to us e them  in your draw
S tar T rek™ C us tom izable C ard G am e™B org R ulebook
page  3
dec k. Y ou m ay inc lude as  m any c opies  of eac h c ard as  you like; in fac t,
m os t dec ks  inc lude extra c opies  of im portant c ards  to inc reas e the
likelihood that they w ill c om e into play early in the gam e. A n additional
c ons ideration for a B org dec k is  the need for a high proportion of c ards
c ontaining the s ubc om m and ic ons  required for s uc c es s ful probes .
W hen playing B org, you m ay us e any or all of the available s ide
dec ks  (Q ’s  T ent, Q -C ontinuum , B attle B ridge). W hile s om e T ac tic  c ards
(s uc h as  B org C utting B eam ) have a [B O ] ic on, you m ay us e any T ac tic
c ard in your B attle B ridge s ide dec k.
T he goal of the gam e is  to s c ore 100 points  – prim arily by c om pleting
[B O ] objec tives . T he gam e begins  by c hoos ing a s tarting player us ing
any m utually agreeable m ethod.
E ac h gam e c ons is ts  of four s eed phas esfollow ed by the play phas e.
T he s tarting player w ill go firs t in eac h s eed phas e and w ill take the firs t
turn in the play phas e.
T here are four s eed phas es  that m us t oc c ur in s equenc e: doorw ay
phas e, m is s ion phas e, dilem m a phas e and fac ility phas e (c alled the
“outpos t phas e” on s om e c ards . T he firs t three phas es  are the s am e
w hether you are playing B org or another affiliation. S om e s pec ial
interim  rules  apply to s eeding a B org O utpos t in the fac ility phas e.
A ll norm al doorw ay phas e s eeding rules  apply. (T he T rans w arp
N etw ork G atew ay, a s eedable [B O ] D oorw ay c ard, s pec ifies  that it s eeds
during the outpos t phas e.)
A ll norm al m is s ion phas e s eeding rules  apply.
A ll norm al dilem m a phas e s eeding rules  apply. If you reveal your ow n
m is -s eeded c ard in a s c outing attem pt, you m ay not c om plete any
objec tive targeting that m is s ion.
A fter the dilem m a phas e is  c om pleted, you and your opponent take
turns  es tablis hing fac ilities  (and any related s ites ) in their native
O utpos ts–  T he only [B org] fac ility is  the B org O utpos t, w hic h has  a
∆D elta ic on, indic ating that it is  native to the D elta Q uadrant. B ec aus e
no m is s ions  exis t yet for the D elta Q uadrant, c ertain interim  rules  apply
to us e of the B org O utpos t. Y ou m ay s eed one B org O utpos t on your
s ide of the table, aw ay from  the s pac eline. (Y ou m ay notus e the B org
O utpos t’s  s pec ial dow nload of a T rans w arp N etw ork G atew ay during the
s eed phas e, bec aus e a [N av] B org m us t be pres ent to dow nload that
doorw ay into play.)
T his  s eeded outpos t repres ents  both an outpos t and a loc ation (but not
a “s pac eline loc ation,” bec aus e there is  no D elta Q uadrant s pac eline
yet). T his  outpos t/loc ation is  c onc eptually in the D elta Q uadrant and its
loc ation is  c om pletely unknow n to your opponent. T hus , your opponent
(even if als o playing B org) m ay not m ove to your outpos t or target the
outpos t, the loc ation its elf or any c ards  at the loc ation in any w ay. F or
exam ple, he m ay not play a R evolving D oor to c los e a T rans w arp
N etw ork G atew ay played at the outpos t, a T em poral R ift on a s hip
loc ated at the outpos t, or a B rain D rain on a pers onnel at the loc ation.
Y ou are not required to s eed a B org O utpos t if your s trategy does  not
require one; there are other w ays  to report B org s hips  and pers onnel.
H ow ever, there is  c urrently no w ay to es tablis h a B org O utpos t in the
D elta Q uadrant during the play phas e.
T rans w arp N etw ork G atew ay– Y ou m ay als o s eed one T rans w arp
N etw ork G atew ay during the fac ility phas e, as  s pec ified in that c ard’s
gam e text. P lac e it on the m is s ion at either end of either s pac eline. (It
does  not form  a s eparate loc ation, but is  loc ated at that m is s ion
loc ation.) A gain, you are not required to s eed one, but you w ill
generally w ant one if your s trategy inc ludes  a D elta Q uadrant B org
O utpos t. (S ee S taffing and M oving S hips  in the E xec uting O rderss ec tion
below  for how  to us e T rans w arp N etw ork G atew ays .)
S ites– Y ou m ay s eed up to s ix s ites  during the fac ility phas e.
A lthough there are no [B org] s tations , you m ay inc lude s ites  (w hic h
have no affiliation) in your dec k to s eed on an opponent’s  N or.
A ll other norm al s eeding rules  apply. C ards  w ith hidden agenda
ic ons  s eed fac e dow n. S eedable [B O ] objec tives  and inc idents , like any
s eedable c ard that does  not belong to or s pec ify a partic ular s eed
phas e, m ay be s eeded during any of the s eed phas es . E s tablis h
G atew ay and S alvage S tars hip are s eedable [B O ] objec tives  w hic h gives
you a c urrent objec tive to begin the gam e. N o other [B O ] objec tives  are
c urrently s eedable.
S huffle your draw  dec k and plac e it fac e dow n on the table. D raw
s even c ards  to form  your s tarting hand. T he s tarting player takes  the
firs t turn, then players  alternate turns , follow ing the norm al turn order
(play a c ard, exec ute orders , draw  a c ard to end your turn).
A fter c arrying out any gam e text that s ays  it takes  plac e at “s tart of
turn,” you m ay play one c ard from  your hand. T his  is  referred to as
your “norm al c ard play.” A dditional c ards  m ay be played at various
tim es  during your turn by downloading.
C ards  are alw ays  played fac e up, unles s  they have a hidden agenda
ic on.
Y ou m ay norm ally play c ards  w ith an A lternate U nivers e [A U ] ic on
onlyif you have an open D oorw ay c ard w hic h allow s  s uc h c ards  to play,
s uc h as  the A lternate U nivers e D oor or S pac e-T im e P ortal. T he B org
as s im ilated c ounterparts  (exc ept L oc utus  of B org) all have [A U ] ic ons .
C ard plays  are of tw o types : “reporting for duty” and other c ard
plays .
P ers onnel, S hip and E quipm ent c ards  m us t report for dutyto a
c om patible outpos t or other plac e that allow s  reporting (i.e., pers onnel
m ay not norm ally be reported direc tly aboard a s hip or to a planet,
unles s  a c ard text allow s  it).
W hen a fac ility allow s  you to report a c ard for duty, you m ay do s o
only if the c ard to be reported is  c om patible w ith the fac ility, and that
c ard and the fac ility are both in their native quadrant. (W hen the
reporting is  allow ed by another c ard, s uc h as  D evidian D oor, the c ard
m ay report to any quadrant, even if it happens  to be reporting aboard
a fac ility.) A ll B org affiliation c ards  (exc ept as s im ilated c ounterparts )
have a ∆ic on and are native to the D elta Q uadrant. T hus , D elta
Q uadrant B org s hips  and pers onnel m ay not be reported to any fac ility
in the A lpha or G am m a quadrant. E quipm ent c ards  are native to all
quadrants  and thus  m ay report to any appropriate fac ility that is  in its
native quadrant.
S pec ific  c ard text m ay allow  reporting for duty in other w ays . Y ou
m ay report your B org to the A lpha or G am m a quadrant us ing the text
of s uc h c ards  as  B org C ube, B org S c out V es s el, R etas k, S c out E nc ounter
and U ndetec ted B eam -In.
S tar T rek™ C us tom izable C ard G am e™B org R ulebook
page  4
Personnel cards
A ny B org pers onnel w ith a ∆ic on m ay report for duty at your B org
O utpos t in the D elta Q uadrant. P lac e the P ers onnel c ard fac e up at the
O utpos t and announc e the c ard nam e. T his  pers onnel is  now  loc ated at
the fac ility. A fter reporting, s tac k P ers onnel c ards  underneath the
O utpos t c ard.
T he gam e text of B org C ube (als o Q ueen’s  B org C ube and L oc utus ’
B org C ube) allow s  your B org pers onnel to report aboard the s hip in any
quadrant. T hus , a B org C ube func tions  as  a “m obile outpos t” for B org
pers onnel. T his  is  a prim ary m ethod for bringing as s im ilated
c ounterparts  into play, as  their lac k of a  ∆ic on w ill not allow  them  to
report at your B org O utpos t.
B org drones  m ay be dow nloaded us ing the Undetec ted B eam -In
dilem m a. O ther m ethods  of reporting B org pers onnel along w ith a s hip
are dis c us s ed in the next s ec tion, S hip c ards .
Y ou m ay have only one c opy of eac h non-univers al (unique or B org
Q ueen) pers onnel in play at a given tim e. Y ou m ay s toc k extra c opies  of
s uc h c ards  in your dec k, but w hile one is  in play, you m ay not play
another. O n the other hand, you m ay have any num ber of c opies  of a
❖univers al pers onnel in play at a given tim e. W hile m os t drones  are
univers al, a few , s uc h as  S even of N ine and T hird of F ive, are not.
Ship cards
A ny B org affiliation s hip m ay report for duty by doc king at the B org
O utpos t in the D elta Q uadrant. P lac e the s hip fac e up at the outpos t and
announc e the c ard nam e. T hen plac e it underneath the O utpos t c ard. If
there are pers onnel s tac ked there, plac e the s hip underneath the
pers onnel.
T he B org S c out V es s el m ay us e its  ow n gam e text to report w ith c rew
to a T rans w arp N etw ork G atew ay at any A lpha or G am m a quadrant
s pac eline end. “R eport w ith c rew ” m eans  to s im ultaneous ly report a
s hip w ith any num ber of c om patible P ers onnel and/or E quipm ent c ards
from  your hand(you m ay notdow nload the c ards  unles s  s pec ified).
Y ou m us t report at leas t enough pers onnel to m eet the s taffing
requirem ents  (in this  c as e, one [N av] B org), but m ay report as  m any
m ore as  you w is h; the pers onnel m ay inc lude drones , a B org Q ueen
and/or a c ounterpart. T he T rans w arp N etw ork G atew ay m ay be one
you s eeded or played previous ly, but if there is  no G atew ay at the
s pac eline end w here you w is h to report the B org S c out V es s el, you m us t
dow nload one. S ee downloading.
A  B org S phere (inc luding Q ueen’s  B org S phere) m ay be reported
direc tly aboard a B org C ube in any quadrant, us ing the B org S phere’s
A  univers al B org C ube and s even drones  m ay be reported w ith the
Retaskevent; a B org S c out V es s el w ith one or tw o univers al pers onnel
m ay be reported w ith the S c out E nc ounterdilem m a.
Y ou m ay have only one c opy of a unique s hip in play at a given tim e.
Y ou m ay have any num ber of c opies  of a ❖univers al s hip in play at a
given tim e.
Equipment cards
E quipm ent c ards  enter play like pers onnel, typic ally by reporting to a
fac ility in its  native quadrant. (B ec aus e E quipm ent c ards  have no
affiliation ic ons , they are c om patible w ith all fac ilities .) B org C ubes
(inc luding Q ueen’s  B org C ube and L oc utus ’ B org C ube) allow  [B O ]
E quipm ent c ards  (but not other E quipm ent c ards ) to report aboard the
s hip.
Ins tead of reporting a S hip, P ers onnel or E quipm ent c ard for duty,
you m ay play s om e other kind of c ard. M os t c ards  follow  the s am e c ard
play rules  w hether you are playing B org or another affiliation. T here
are a few  im portant points  to note about s om e c ard types :
Facility cards
J us t as  other affiliations  m ay build an outpos t “at any loc ation” w ith a
m atc hing affiliation ic on, B org m ay build an outpos t “at any loc ation”
they’ve as s im ilated (even a hom ew orld), if a B org E N G IN E E R  is  pres ent
as  s pec ified on the O utpos t c ard. (S pac e loc ations  are not as s im ilated, s o
you are lim ited to planet loc ations .) A lthough you m ay build B org
outpos ts  on the A lpha or G am m a quadrant s pac elines  in this  m anner,
you m ay not report c ards  for duty at s uc h outpos ts  (bec aus e the outpos t
is  not native to the quadrant). H ow ever, s uc h an outpos t m ay perform
other appropriate func tions  s uc h as  repairing s hips  or extending
S H IE L D S .
Y ou m ay not build a fac ility at any loc ation w here you already have a
fac ility (w hether you built or as s im ilated the fac ility). Y ou m ay not us e
your opponent’s  outpos ts  unles s  a c ard s pec ific ally allow s  it.
Objective cards
W hen you are playing B org and you have an unc om pleted [B O ] (B org
U s e O nly) O bjec tive c ard fac e up in play, this  is  defined as  your c urrent
objec tive. Y ou are lim ited to one [B O ] c urrent objec tive at a tim e. Y ou
m ay have any num ber of non-[B O ] objec tives  in play at a tim e. Y ou
m ay als o have other [B O ] c ards  s uc h as  inc idents  in play.
W hen you play (or ac tivate) a B org O bjec tive c ard, you m us t
im m ediately target (s elec t) an appropriate loc ation, s hip or pers onnel
as  s pec ified by the objec tive. O bjec tives  m ay target s olved or uns olved
m is s ion loc ations . T he objec tive then allow s  your B org to s c out the s hip
or loc ation, initiate battle, abduc t a target etc . (Y ou are not required to
perform  thes e ac tions , but you m ay not probe to c om plete the objec tive
until you have c om pleted s c outing, if appropriate, and m eet any other
requirem ents  on the objec tive.) If the target of the objec tive is  rem oved
from  play (for exam ple, a targeted pers onnel is  killed or a targeted
s hip returns  to its  ow ner’s  hand) or bec om es  an invalid target, the
O bjec tive c ard is  im m ediately dis c arded. O therw is e, the objec tive
rem ains  in play until dis c arded or reloc ated ac c ording to its  gam e text
or w hen its  c ountdow n has  expired.
T he points  earned from  a [B O ] objec tive are non-bonuspoints . P oints
from  other (non-B org) objec tives  and from  all other c ards  are bonus
points .
Time Location cards
A  tim e loc ation is  plac ed by its elf on the table, c reating its  ow n planet
or s pac e loc ation s eparate from  the s pac elines . T he c ard m ay have
s pec ial ins truc tions  to be c arried out w hen it is  played; if you c annot
c arry out all ins truc tions , you m ay not play the tim e loc ation. If you
play the tim e loc ation M ontana M is s ile C om plex, required for the
objec tive S top F irs t C ontac t, you m us t s eed a P hoenixunder it from
outs ide the gam e.
A fter you play a c ard from  your hand (or c hoos e not to do s o this
turn), you c an exec ute orders  – that is , m ove and/or us e your c ards
already in play. T here is  no lim it on the num ber of ac tions  you c an take
in one turn. Y ou c an m ove pers onnel and equipm ent, s taff and m ove
s hips , s c out loc ations  or s hips , engage in battle or even do all of thes e
things . H ow ever, w hile the B org m ay s taff and m ove s hips  freely, they
norm ally require an objec tive or other c ard to allow  them  to form  A w ay
T eam s , s c out or initiate battle.
W hen your pers onnel are aboard a s hip or s pac e fac ility that you
c ontrol, they are a c rew . In all other s ituations , they are an A w ay T eam
(for exam ple, a B org s c out on a planet is  an A w ay T eam ). W hen aboard
a s hip or fac ility c ontrolled by your opponent, they are als o c alled
intruders. Intruders  c annot s c out m is s ions , but m ay battle oppos ing
S tar T rek™ C us tom izable C ard G am e™B org R ulebook
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pers onnel pres ent (if allow ed – s ee the s ec tion on B attlebelow  for
res tric tions ).
Y our B org m ay not form  A w ay T eam s  (either on a planet or on an
opponent’s  s hip or fac ility) exc ept w hen c ounter-attac king or w hen
allow ed by your c urrent objec tive or another c ard (e.g., E m ergenc y
T rans porter A rm bands , N ear-W arp T rans port, Ic onian G atew ay, D evidian
D oor). E xam ples :
• If your opponent attac ks  your c ards , on your next turn you m ay
initiate one or m ore c ounter-attac ks  agains t any of his  c ards  s till at
the loc ation of the previous  battle. F or exam ple, you m ay beam  an
A w ay T eam  of any num ber of B org to your opponent’s  s hip or
fac ility, or to a planet, to battle his  c rew  or A w ay T eam .
• E m ergenc y T rans porter A rm bands  allow s  you to beam  your
pers onnel “at any tim e.” Y ou c ould beam  an A w ay T eam  of any
num ber of B org to a planet or oppos ing s hip.
• If your B org are on a planet w here an Ic onian G atew ay has  been
played, they m ay m ove through the Ic onian G atew ay to any other
planet, form ing a new  A w ay T eam  on that planet.
• A n objec tive w hic h allow s  you to s c out a planet allow s  you to beam
s c outs  to that planet, one at a tim e; s ee S c outing L oc ationsbelow .
(Y ou m ay als o s c out w ith an A w ay T eam  of any s ize form ed by
s om e other m eans .)
O nc e they have form ed an A w ay T eam , your B org m ay beam  bac k to
your s hip or fac ility w ithout any s pec ial perm is s ion.
Y our B org loc ated at a fac ility m ay board your B org affiliation s hips
loc ated at the s am e fac ility. L ike all outpos ts , B org O utpos ts  are
c onc eptually loc ated “in s pac e,” even w hen built at an as s im ilated
planet, and doc ked s hips  m ay be boarded w ithout beam ing.
Y ou m ay not beam  pers onnel aboard an opponent’s  non-B org s hip or
fac ility w hic h is  protec ted by S H IE L D S , unles s  a c ard allow s  you to drop
or beam  through the S H IE L D S . T he T rans port D rone, T w o of E leven,
allow s  you to us e your trans porters  to beam  through your opponent’s
S H IE L D S , inc luding the S H IE L D S  of a N or. (T he T rans port D rone m us t
rem ain aboard your s hip to “operate” the trans porters .)
B org S H IE L D S  do not bloc k trans porter beam s , exc ept during s hip
battle.  T hus , your opponent m ay norm ally us e his  ow n trans porters  to
beam  his  pers onnel and equipm ent to and from  your B org s hip (or
outpos t) at the s am e loc ation.
E ac h s hip requires  a m inim um  c rew  aboard before it c an m ove. C rew
requirem ents  for eac h s hip are lis ted on the c ard, as  s ubc om m and
and/or [B org] affiliation ic ons . If a s hip lis ts  no s pec ific  c rew
requirem ents , any one [B org] pers onnel c an fly it.
O ne pers onnel c annot m eet m ore than one s taffing requirem ent.
T hus , a B org C ube requiring s even s taffing ic ons  m us t be s taffed by a
m inim um  of s even pers onnel, even if one of the pers onnel (s uc h as  the
B org Q ueen or a c ounterpart) has  m ore than one of the required ic ons .
(S even of N ine is  an exc eption; her gam e text allow s  her to apply all
three of her s ubc om m and ic ons  to s taffing a s hip.)
T he m inim um  c rew  is  not needed for s c outing s pac e m is s ions ,
initiating battle, or other ac tions  that do not involve s hip m ovem ent. F or
s uc h ac tions , any [B org] pers onnel aboard w ill s uffic e.
A  s talled s hip (one that c annot m ove bec aus e of ins uffic ient s taffing)
c an s till beam  A w ay T eam s , attac k and defend its elf, or s c out the
m is s ion at its  loc ation (if your c urrent objec tive perm its  any of thes e
ac tions ).
Movement Between Quadrants
A  s hip m ay not m ove from  one quadrant to the other (inc luding to
and from  the D elta Q uadrant B org O utpos t) w ithout a c ard s uc h as
T rans w arp N etw ork G atew ay, W orm hole or B ajoran W orm hole. Y ou m ay
m ove your ow n B org s hips  to and from  your D elta Q uadrant outpos t
(loc ation) us ing appropriate c ards . N either you nor your opponent m ay
m ove your opponent’s  s hips  to this  outpos t/loc ation (even if he is  als o
playing B org).
B ajoran W orm hole– A  B org affiliation s hip m ay m ove betw een the
A lpha and G am m a quadrants  through the B ajoran W orm hole as  noted
on that c ard (it w ill be “s topped” after pas s ing through unles s
W orm hole N avigation S c hem atic  is  played).
W orm hole– A ny s hip m ay us e a pair of W orm holes  to m ove from
one loc ation to another loc ation on any s pac eline. A  B org affiliation s hip
m ay us e a pair of W orm holes  to m ove betw een its  D elta Q uadrant B org
O utpos t and any loc ation on any s pac eline.
T rans w arp N etw ork G atew ay– T raveling betw een quadrants  (or
betw een loc ations  w ithin a s ingle quadrant) w ith the [B O ] T rans w arp
N etw ork G atew ay requires  tw o T rans w arp N etw ork G atew ay doorw ays
in play at different loc ations , plus  another T rans w arp N etw ork G atew ay
(or a T rans w arp C onduit interrupt) played from  the hand. T here are
s everal w ays  to bring T rans w arpN etw ork G atew ays  (T N G s ) into play:
• Y ou m ay s eed one T N G  at an end loc ation of either s pac eline during
the fac ility phas e.
• A  T N G  m ay be played on any s pac eline loc ation w here you have a
[N av] B org pres ent. B ec aus e it is  a D oorw ay c ard, it does  not us e
your norm al c ard play, but m ay be played only during your ow n
• If you report a B org S c out V es s el w ith c rew  to a s pac eline end
w here you do not already have a T N G , you m us t dow nload one to
that loc ation. (T he required s taffing of the B org S c out V es s el
provides  the required [N av] B org.)
• T he E s tablis h G atew ay objec tive requires  you to dow nload a T N G  to
the target loc ation upon c om pletion. Y ou m us t have a [N av] B org
pres ent to do s o.
• Y ou m ay dow nload a T N G  to your D elta Q uadrant B org O utpos t
us ing the outpos t’s  s pec ial dow nload ic on (you m ay not play a T N G
there norm ally bec aus e the outpos t is  not a s pac elineloc ation). Y ou
m us t have a [N av] B org at the outpos t loc ation in order to
dow nload the T N G  into play.
O nc e you have tw o T N G s  in play, s im ply play a T rans w arp N etw ork
G atew ay (or a T rans w arp C onduit interrupt) from  your hand to allow
any or all of your s hips  at the loc ation of one T N G  m ove to the loc ation
of another T N G . E ac h s hip m us t be fully s taffed for m ovem ent. T his
m ovem ent us es  no R A N G E  (s im ilar to m ovem ent w ith a pair of
W orm holes ). D is c ard the doorw ay or interrupt you jus t played after
m ovem ent is  c om plete. T he other T N G s  rem ain in play at their loc ations .
Movement To and From a Time Location
M ovem ent betw een a tim e loc ation and a s pac eline is  a form  of tim e
travel and is  pos s ible only via the T em poral V ortex doorw ay, a pair of
W orm hole interrupts , a Q -related “reloc ator c ard” s uc h as  W here’s
G uinan or J ealous  A m anda, or any c ard that s pec ifies  that it allow s  tim e
travel. A  T rans w arp N etw ork G atew ay m ay not be played on a tim e
loc ation; it plays  only on a s pac eline loc ation.
U nlike other affiliations , B org never attem pt m is s ions .  Ins tead, they
us e O bjec tive c ards  to s c outloc ations . S c outing c onc eptually repres ents
overc om ing res is tanc e (enc ountering dilem m as  and Q -F las hes ) and
gathering data.
B org enc ounter and res olve dilem m as  and Q -F las hes  in the s am e w ay
that non-B org do during m is s ion attem pts , s ubjec t to a few  additional
rules :
S tar T rek™ C us tom izable C ard G am e™B org R ulebook
page  6
• W hen your B org are c onfronted w ith a dilem m a or Q -ic on c ard
w hic h is  point-related (and does  not s pec ify that it affec ts  B org),
play out the c ard but ignore the points . (D is c ard the dilem m a w hen
you are done w ith it rather than plac ing it in your bonus  point
area.)  If that c ard pres ents  a c hoic e, you m us t c hoos e an option
w hic h is  not point-related, if pos s ible.
• D is c ard gender-related dilem m as  s uc h as  L ove Interes ts  or
M atriarc hal S oc iety.
• B org pers onnel have no c las s ific ation. A ny c ards  w hic h s pec ific ally
require or c hange c las s ific ations , s uc h as  S c ottis h S etter, do not
affec t B org. H ow ever, a dilem m a w hic h s pec ifies  a pers onnel type,
s uc h as  O F F IC E R , w ithout s pec ifying c las s ific ation or s kill, w ill affec t
the B org norm ally.
• D ilem m a text s uc h as  “A bandon m is s ion attem pt...” or “M is s ion
m ay not be attem pted” does  not affec t B org, bec aus e they do not
attem pt m is s ions . Ignore s uc h text, and dis c ard the dilem m a if it is
w holly inapplic able. H ow ever, the text “M is s ion c ontinues ” s hould
be taken to m ean “S c outing c ontinues ” for B org.
In general, dilem m as  affec t B org norm ally. W ith the exc eptions  noted
above, B org m us t m eet all c onditions  im pos ed by a dilem m a in order to
pas s  it, inc luding requirem ents  for s kills  that the B org do not pos s es s ,
s uc h as  E m pathy. S uc h s kills  m ay be provided by as s im ilating a
pers onnel w ith the required s kill, or by s elec ting that s kill for the B org
Q ueen at the beginning of a turn, and s haring the s kill if nec es s ary
through the Interlink Drone. S uc h dilem m as  m ay als o be nullified (on
a s ubs equent enc ounter) w ith A dapt: N egate O bs truc tion.
B efore you m ay s c out a loc ation, you m us t have an ac tivated c urrent
objec tive targeting the loc ation.
S c outing P lanets– B egin s c outing a planet by beam ing dow n a s ingle
s c out (any B org pers onnel) or have a s ingle s c out dis em bark from  a
landed s hip. A nnounc e that you are s c outing the m is s ion. T his  s c out
begins  to enc ounter dilem m as  and Q -F las hes , s im ilar to a m is s ion
attem pt. (If an artifac t is  enc ountered, m ove it to the bac k of the s tac k
as  us ual.) If that s c out is  “s topped,” killed or otherw is e unable to
c ontinue, you m ay beam  dow n another s c out to begin a new  s c outing
attem pt, and s o on. O n your next turn, you m ay beam  dow n another
s c out to join thos e already on the planet, and s o on. A s  a res ult of being
“s topped,” s c outs  m ay ac c um ulate on the planet. O n your next turn,
they m ay res um e s c outing together, as s is t a new ly arriving s c out, etc .
L ike other pers onnel, your “uns topped” B org already on a planet form
a s ingle A w ay T eam , but m ay beam  s eparately or together.
W hile s c outing norm ally begins  w ith a s ingle s c out, if you have
m ultiple “uns topped” B org on a planet by any legal m eans  (e.g.,
beam ed w ith E m ergenc y T rans porter A rm bands , left from  a c ounter-
attac k etc .), they m ay be us ed together to s c out the planet if it is
targeted by your c urrent objec tive, even if you have not previous ly
begun s c outing w ith a s ingle B org.
S c outing S pac e L oc ations– B egin s c outing a s pac e loc ation by
s elec ting the c rew  of one of your B org s hips  to enc ounter dilem m as  and
Q -F las hes  there. A nnounc e that you are s c outing the m is s ion. If that
c rew  is  unable to c ontinue, you m ay s elec t the c rew  of another s hip to
begin another s c outing attem pt.
S c outing D ual-Ic on L oc ations– A  dual-ic on m is s ion m ay be targeted
by an objec tive either as  a s pac e loc ation or as  a planet, or even as  both
by s uc c es s ive objec tives  (s pac e firs t, then planet). T he B org do not need
both a c rew  and an A w ay T eam  to s c out a dual-ic on m is s ion. S c outing
proc eeds  as  us ual for the type of loc ation that is  targeted, us ing a c rew
on a s hip to s c out the s pac e loc ation (enc ountering only s pac e and
s pac e/planet dilem m as , and Q -F las hes ), or beam ing dow n s ingle s c outs
to s c out the planet (enc ountering only planet and s pac e/planet
dilem m as , and Q -F las hes ). M ove inapplic able dilem m as  to the bac k of
the s eed s tac k.
W hen B org are s c outing a loc ation, any artifac ts  (or c ards  s eeded like
artifac ts ) enc ountered there are “m oved to the bac k” norm ally. T he
B org m us t c om plete an objec tive targeting that loc ation before a S urvey
D rone c an ac quire the artifac t(s ). (P ic ard’s  A rtific ial H eart is  ac quired by
its  ow ner upon c om pletion of s c outing. A t a dual-ic on m is s ion, s pac e-
perm is s ible artifac ts  m ay be ac quired upon c om pletion of a s pac e
objec tive. A ny planet artifac ts  m ay be ac quired only after c om pletion of
A s s im ilate P lanet.) If you have no S urvey D rone on the planet (or
aboard a s hip at a s pac e loc ation) w hen you c om plete the objec tive, the
artifac ts  are plac ed fac e up on the m is s ion and m ay be ac quired later
by your S urvey D rone or by any non-B org pers onnel pres ent.
(H ow ever, the S urvey D rone m ay not beam  dow n to a planet w ithout a
c ard allow ing him  to do s o. O nc e s c outing is  c om plete, the objec tive no
longer allow s  s c outs  to beam  to the planet.)
L ike a m is s ion attem pt, a s c outing attem pt is  one ac tion that m ay not
be interrupted (exc ept by valid res pons es  to dilem m as  or Q -ic on c ards
and by ac tions  that s us pend play), and m ay not be aborted unles s  the
entire A w ay T eam  or c rew  is  “s topped” or rem oved from  the loc ation.
A fter a s c outing attem pt is  over (w hether s c outing is  c om plete or not),
your “uns topped” B org are free to beam  bac k up to the s hip if des ired,
or rem ain to ac quire artifac ts , if any, w hen the objec tive is  c om pleted.
O bjec tives  targeting a loc ation require that you have B org (or a
c ounterpart, for A s s im ilate H om ew orld) at the loc ation to probe; they
need not be on the planet.
S c outing a planet or s pac e loc ation is  c om plete at the end of your turn
if you have s c outed it at leas t onc e, and no dilem m as  or Q -F las hes
rem ain to be enc ountered. (It does  not m atter if there are any B org
rem aining or if they are “s topped” by the las t dilem m a. A  dilem m a that
has  entered play, s uc h as  F riendly F ire or C ytherians , no longer rem ains
to be enc ountered, and s o does  not prevent s c outing from  being
c om plete.) Y our B org m us t c om plete s c outing before you m ay probe to
determ ine your c urrent objec tive’s  outc om e. Y ou m ay not probe on the
s am e turn in w hic h you c om pleted s c outing. Y ou als o m ay not probe if
your B org partic ipated in any battles  at the targeted loc ation during
your c urrent turn or during your opponent’s  previous  turn. Probing
takes  plac e at the end of your turn (s ee C ard P lay – E nd-of-T urn A c tions
below ).
W hen an objec tive c alls  for s c outing a m is s ion loc ation, you m us t s c out
even if there are no dilem m as  rem aining w hen you begin s c outing
(bec aus e none w ere s eeded, or your opponent c leared them  during a
m is s ion attem pt). In other w ords , you m us t bring one s c out to a planet
m is s ion, or bring a s hip and c rew  to a s pac e m is s ion, and announc e that
you are s c outing that loc ation. A t the end of that turn, s c outing is
c om plete.
W hen an objec tive requires  you to target a s pac e m is s ion “if not yet
s c outed,” it m us t be a m is s ion w hic h neither you nor your B org
opponent has  c om pleted s c outing. T he abs enc e of dilem m as  for other
reas ons  (s uc h as  a non-B org opponent attem pting the m is s ion) does  not
m ean the m is s ion has  been s c outed. If your opponent c om pletes
s c outing a m is s ion after you have targeted it, it does  not dis c ard your
objec tive.
A n O bjec tive c ard m ay direc t your B org to s c out a s hip. A s  w ith
s c outing a loc ation, s c outing a s hip c onc eptually repres ents  overc om ing
res is tanc e and gathering data. B efore you m ay s c out a s hip, you m us t
have an ac tivated c urrent objec tive targeting the s hip.
B egin s c outing an enem y s hip by beam ing over a s ingle s c out. (If you
already have one or m ore B org aboard the s hip from  U ndetec ted
B eam -In, B org S ervo, c ounter-attac king etc ., they m ay s c out the s hip.)
S tar T rek™ C us tom izable C ard G am e™B org R ulebook
page  7
If that s c out is  s om ehow  “s topped,” killed, dis abled, los t, etc . before the
end of your turn, you m ay beam  over a replac em ent.  O n your next
turn you m ay beam  over another s c out, and s o on.  N ote that you w ill
need the T rans port D rone, T w o of E leven, to beam  through your
opponent’s  S H IE L D S  (unles s  your opponent is  als o playing B org).
If your opponent attac ks  your s c out(s ) during his  turn, you m ay
c ounter-attac k during your next turn w ith any num ber of B org.  T hos e
B org are free to rem ain on the enem y s hip and c ontinue s c outing on
your next turn.
S c outing an enem y s hip is  c om plete at the end of your turn if you
have B org aboard that s hip. A s  w hen s c outing a loc ation, your B org
m us t c om plete s c outing before you m ay probe to determ ine your
c urrent objec tive’s  outc om e. Y ou m ay not probe on the s am e turn you
c om pleted s c outing, or if your B org partic ipated in any battles  at the
loc ation of the targeted s hip during your c urrent turn or during your
opponent’s  previous  turn. O nc e s c outing is  c om plete, you do not have to
c om plete s c outing again (w ith another delay before probing) if your
s c out is  killed before you c an probe (though you m us t m eet the
requirem ents  of the objec tive, s uc h as  having C om puter S kill aboard).
Probingtakes  plac e at the end of your turn (s ee C ard P lay – E nd-of-
T urn A c tions  below ).
B org m ay not c om m andeer a s hip or fac ility; ins tead, they m us t us e a
c ard that allow s  them  to as s im ilate it.
A s s im ilation is  not a dis tinc t type of “exec uting orders ,” but is
ac c om plis hed us ing O bjec tive and other c ards  that allow  as s im ilation.
F or exam ple, oppos ing pers onnel m ay be aduc ted and/or as s im ilated
during pers onnel battle us ing the T alon D rone, A s s im ilation T ubules  or
A s s im ilate C ounterpart. A s s im ilate P lanet and A s s im ilate H om ew orld
allow  you to as s im ilate planets  (along w ith any fac ilities  that m ay be
loc ated there). A s s im ilate S tars hip allow s  you to as s im ilate s hips . S ee
E ngaging in B attle, S c outing L oc ations  and S c outing S hips .
T he B org c onduc t battle in the s am e w ay as  all other affiliations  (s ee
the R ulebook for s tandard battle rules ), s ubjec t to a few  s pec ial
c ons iderations :
• E ac h of your s hips , fac ilities  or A w ay T eam s  that w is hes  to initiate
an attac k m us t have a [D ef] pers onnel pres ent. If the fac ility is  a
N or, the [D ef] pers onnel m us t be in O ps . (T he B org m ay not us e a
“leader” to initiate battle unles s  that leader als o has  a [D ef] ic on.)
• B orgforc es  m ay not initiate battle exc ept w hen c ounter-attac king
or w hen allow ed or required by your c urrent objec tive or another
c ard. W hen allow ed to initiate battle, they m ay attac k any
affiliation inc luding oppos ing B org.
• If your opponent attac ks  you, during your next turn you m ay
initiate one or m ore c ounter-attac ksagains t any or all of your
opponent’s  s hips , A w ay T eam s , fac ilities , c rew s  (if you c an beam
through the S H IE L D S ) etc . w hic h are s till at the loc ation of the
opponent’s  attac k, regardles s  of the form  of the original attac k.
W hen you c ounter-attac k, no [D ef] pers onnel is  required and no
affiliation res tric tions  apply (no c urrent objec tive or other c ard is
needed to allow  the c ounter-attac k).
Personnel Battles
A ll norm al rules  for pers onnel battle apply to B org. S om e c ards  allow
you to abduc t and/or as s im ilate pers onnel during pers onal c om bat. S ee
abduc tionand assim ilation.
• W hen your T alon D rone (T hree of N ineteen) s tuns  an advers ary in
pers onal c om bat, it m ay abduc t and as s im ilate (as  a drone) the
advers ary (it c annot abduc t w ithout as s im ilating). B oth the T alon
D rone and the advers ary are rem oved from  the battle and m ay
beam  bac k to your s hip.
• W hen the target of your A s s im ilate C ounterpart objec tive is
engaged in c om bat by any of your B org, that B org m ay
im m ediately abduc t the target, regardles s  of their relative
S T R E N G T H s . B oth that B org and the target are rem oved from  the
battle and m ay beam  bac k to your s hip. A bduc tion is  not required
– the engagem ent m ay ins tead proc eed norm ally w ith one of the
c om batants  being s tunned or m ortally w ounded (how ever, your
T alon D rone m ay not us e its  s kill to abduc t and as s im ilate the
s tunned target, bec aus e a target for A s s im ilate C ounterpart m ay
not be as s im ilated as  a drone). T he target is  not as s im ilated as  a
c ounterpart until the objec tive is  c om pleted w ith a s uc c es s ful probe.
• A fter you determ ine the w inner of the overall battle, if you have a
T alon D rone in the battle w ho is  not s tunned or m ortally w ounded,
you m ay play one or m ore c opies  of A s s im ilation T ubules  to allow
the T alon D rone to as s im ilate (as  drones ) m ortally w ounded
advers aries . T hey are not abduc ted and m ay not beam  bac k until
they are “uns topped.”
Ship Battles
W hile you m ay norm ally s elec t only one target in a s hip battle (either
for the initial attac k or returning fire), B org-affiliation s hips  w ith a
M ultiplexor D rone (N ine of S eventeen) aboard are allow ed to fire
W E A P O N S  agains t m ultiple targets  in the s am e battle, if a c urrent
objec tive or other c ard allow s  targeting of m ultiple s hips  (no objec tive
c urrently allow s  this , but G ow ron of B org’s  s pec ial s kill w ill allow  it), if
returning fire or if c ounter-attac king. F or exam ple, if your opponent
attac ked any of your forc es  on the previous  turn, and he has  tw o s hips
and an outpos t at the loc ation of that attac k, your B org C ube w ith a
M ultiplexor D rone and tw o other [D ef] B org aboard (total of 3 [D ef])
m ay target both s hips  and the outpos t in a s ingle battle, w ith 24
W E A P O N S  agains t eac hof the three targets . T his  expands  the fire (or
return fire) portion of the battle into tw o or m ore engagem ents . E ac h
engagem ent has  only one target, but it is  pos s ible to have m ultiple
c ards  firing upon that target.
C om pute s eparate A T T A C K  and D E F E N S E  totals  for eac h engagem ent,
repeatedly us ing the appropriate bonus es  from  eac h player’s  c urrent
tac tic  eac h tim e. In other w ords , eac h player is  lim ited to one c urrent
tac tic  for the battle, but it w ill apply to eac h engagem ent. A pply
dam age only after you have determ ined the outc om es  (hits  and direc t
hits ) for all engagem ents .
If your m ultiplexed B org s hip s c ores  a hit (or direc t hit) agains t tw o or
m ore targets  and your c urrent tac tic  has  a [dow n] s ym bol, us e that c ard
as  the dam age m arker for one of thos e targets  (your c hoic e) and treat
that s ym bol as  [flip] for dam age to eac h rem aining target. A ll dam age
m arkers  draw n from  your s ide dec k m us t be plac ed on the hit targets
random ly.
T he E lim inate S tars hip objec tive allow s  you to battle the targeted s hip.
If you des troy it in battle, you m us t im m ediately probeto c om plete the
objec tive (you do not w ait until the end of your turn). S ee probing.
End-of-Turn Actions
A fter you have finis hed exec uting orders , perform  any ac tions  that
m ay or m us t take plac e at the end of your turn (s uc h as  being forc ed to
dis c ard by a S tatic  W arp B ubble), before draw ing a c ard from  your
draw  dec k to end your turn. If there is  m ore than one thing s c heduled
to happen at the end of your turn, you m ay c hoos e w hic h to do firs t
(but all m andatory end-of-turn ac tions  m us t happen before optional
ones ). F or exam ple, s uppos e both a B org S hip dilem m a and a S heliak
dilem m a m us t m ove at the end of this  turn, and you w is h to probe. Y ou
S tar T rek™ C us tom izable C ard G am e™B org R ulebook
page  8
c hoos e w hic h dilem m a m oves  firs t, and after both have m oved you m ay
T he m os t c om m on end-of-turn ac tion for B org is  probingto c om plete
an objec tive. B efore you m ay probe to c om plete your c urrent objec tive,
you m us t c om plete s c outing of the loc ation or s hip (if the objec tive
involves  s c outing) or abduc t a target (for A s s im ilate C ounterpart). S ee
E xec uting O rders  – S c outing L oc ationsand S c outing S hipsfor how  to
determ ine if s c outing is  c om plete. Y ou m us t als o m eet any requirem ents
for probing printed on the O bjec tive c ard (s uc h as  having B org at the
loc ation). Y ou m ay notprobe to c om plete your c urrent objec tive
• on the s am e turn in w hic h your B org c om pleted s c outing; or
• if your B org partic ipated in any battles  (inc luding R ogue B org or
B org S hip dilem m a battles ) at the loc ation of the objec tive’s  target
during your c urrent turn or during your opponent’s  previous  turn.
(T hat is , your opponent m ay delay c om pletion of your c urrent
objec tive by battling your B org.)
(If a c ard other than your c urrent objec tive allow s  or requires  you to
probe, thes e res tric tions  do not prevent you from  probing, but you
c annot us e the probe res ults  for your c urrent objec tive.)
Drawing a Card
A fter all end-of-turn ac tions  are c om plete, draw  one c ard from  your
draw  dec k to s ignal the end of your turn. Ins tead, you m ay perform  an
ac tion “in plac e of one c ard draw ,” s uc h as  downloadinga c ard us ing
the B org Q ueen’s  s kill.
If you are prevented from  draw ing a c ard (for exam ple, by the gam e
text of Q ’s  T ent, or bec aus e there are no c ards  left in your draw  dec k),
then you s im ply announc e w hen you are done w ith your turn.
P layers  c ontinue taking turns  until one player s c ores  100 points  and is
dec lared the w inner, or until both players ’ draw  dec ks  run out (at
w hic h point the player w ith the m os t points  is  dec lared the w inner).
